

Welcome Autumn!

The crafting season has been ushered in just in time for autumn and earth colours adorn magazines, shop windows and websites.
Alongside drawings, collages and pumpkin-cutting arts, photo books are of particular interest. Even though it is getting colder and it may be much nicer at home anyway,
there is corona-related good news and private parties may take place with a larger number of guests. Travels are also to be enjoyed with relaxations in preparation and follow-up, even if it is recommended not to travel. (As of Sept. 2020/NRW).

Get the holiday at home if you don’t want to travel.

If you prefer to enjoy the relaxations with caution and grudgingly do without your holiday, you can bring the holiday feeling home with a photo book. Often there are hundreds of files from your last holiday scattered on your PC that have long since wanted to be sorted and printed out. For the next holiday in your own four walls, it would be a good opportunity to delight your mind with beautiful memories. Imagine the smell of a sea breeze, sun cream and sand wafting towards you when you open it? (Yes, sand has a smell too). When you go into a happy situation with just the idea, your body reacts as if you were in that situation. Sounds like a good comfort, doesn’t it?!


Scented photo books for your loved ones

Of course, there are many other occasions for which you can create photo books. If you haven’t seen your loved ones for a while or they couldn’t attend an important event this year, you can mentally share the celebration with a photo book. Or you can create a wonderful, woodsy-smelling autumn photo book with your offspring – maybe even with photos they took themselves. From their own experience, children take very interesting photos, even if they are sometimes very blurry. 🙂

Also as a Christmas gift, photo books absolutely work as an emotional gift to give your loved ones moments and memories that make them happy. There are no limits to creativity.

Which theme you would use in a photobook?